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<li><b>Fabric Upholstery:</b> Requires cleaners specifically designed for fabrics to avoid staining or discoloration.</li>

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<p>The quest for sustainable and alternative fuel sources has been a driving force in automotive engineering for decades. As concerns about environmental impact and dwindling fossil fuel reserves continue to grow, researchers and inventors are exploring innovative solutions. One such intriguing concept is the possibility of running a car engine on water. На странице представлен обзор различных технологий, направленных на снижение зависимости от традиционного топлива, и именно оттуда начинается наше исследование этой многообещающей области, предлагающей потенциал для революционного изменения автомобильной промышленности и продвижения к более экологически чистым транспортным решениям. This article delves into the science behind this idea, the challenges involved, and the potential future of water-powered vehicles, offering a comprehensive overview of the current state of this technology and its prospects.</p>
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